One weird trick to boost your reply rate by 20%

Lead-gen agency owners hate him

Hi friends,

Happy Saturday! This week has been a whirlwind.

  • PressPulse crushed it, ending June with $12.9k! (Reflected on my journey from $1k/mo to $10k/mo here.)

  • My son braved his first week at daycare - tough on the little guy.

  • I survived my first week back at my 9-5 developer job after a 30-day break - tough on the adult too. (Still plotting my next move for now.)

  • It's a long weekend in the US, and it feels like one in Canada too.

Anyways, I’ll keep this week’s content light.

Here’s one tip to improve your reply rate by 20% in 2 seconds:

Make the font bigger.

I’m not joking. Make the email body’s font bigger, and you’ll get more replies.

I first saw it on Natia’s tweet here and I A/B tested it with my own campaign to test the results:

Variant B has bigger font size

Bonus tip: Constantly A/B test your campaign. 

I run my campaigns in batches. Every time I think of some improvements to the copy, I test it in the next batch to optimize the copy over time.

Making A/B testing a norm

That’s it. I’ll see you next week with a breakdown of my entire cold email tech stack for sending 1000 emails a day.

If you are new here, check out some previous issues:

Enjoy the weekend :)
